How To Get Started On YouTube In 2021 (For Beginners)

Digitally Enhanced
4 min readMar 16, 2021


It’s no secret that video content is taking over the Internet. In fact it is estimated that it will be (if it’s not already) the reining “King Of Content”.

The reason being that videos simply have a higher engagement rate, it has been proven through a lot of studies, that audiences are more likely to interact or engage with a video, rather than an old boring article like this one.

Videos are just, more fun to watch, more stimulating, and easier to digest.

It is same the reason why TikTok had more than 113 million downloads, this February alone. And why YouTube keeps growing at an insanely high pace every year.

Speaking of YouTube…

Why you should start a YouTube channel:

Here are some YouTube Statistics for you to understand how massive the platform really is:

  • Number of MONTHLY active users: 2 Billion+
  • Number of DAILY active users: 50 Million+
  • Number of videos watched per day: 7 Billion+

And it’s only gonna keep getting larger and larger, so it’s pretty much a no-brainer for any business to start a YouTube Channel, and utilize social media to grow and expand their business.

How Do You Get Started ? :

Start Right Now ! :

For some small businesses and organizations, getting started on YouTube can be scary. Trust us when we say that the benefits of being on YouTube greatly outweigh the downfalls. Don’t let your initial nervousness get in the way of giving this powerful channel a try.

The most important thing you’ll need for a successful YouTube channel is something you most likely already have ; an understanding of who your audience is, as well as what kinds of things they may find valuable. Taking note of your audience and their interests will help you determine where to focus your efforts when creating content for YouTube.

Choose Your Niche (Or Not) :

If you’ve been in the digital space for a while, you’d know the importance of “Niching Down” in content marketing. The basic concept of it is basically; you want to reach a specific audience, so it is important to niche down to even the smaller sub topics.

Although highly recommended, it’s not an absolute necessity to choose a niche off the get go, you could always start off with a much broader spectrum and then narrow it down based on the subtopics you’re getting more profit from.

Create A Channel:

Now you probably already have a YouTube account, but to start uploading videos to YouTube, you’re going to need a YouTube Channel.

You can create one using your existing account, or you can sign up for new e-mail account and create a brand new YouTube channel.

To create your own YouTube channel (if you haven’t already), first, sign in to your YouTube account and then click the link below

Create Your Channel

After that, just fill out the required fields, and set up your YouTube Icon, and Channel art as well as the About Section.

And you’re set for the next step…

Start Uploading Videos Right Now ! :

Get started right now. Take the leap of faith. Every great thing has to have a starting point, so let this be yours.

Although it can get pretty discouraging at first, the future holds wonders, especially for this digital space.

So no matter how poor your video quality is, or how embarrassing it can be in the beginning. Just Start Creating & Uploading Right Now !

As for the content itself, there are a lot of ways to create and edit your videos; it really depends on the style of content you want to put out there.

If you plan on showing your face, then pretty much the only thing you’ll need is a good camera, and a quality editing software ( Premiere Pro, Shotcut, Davinci Resolve, Vidsnatcher…)

And if you’re a little camera shy , don’t get discouraged just yet, there are thousands of people making six figures and more, without even showing their face; making easy videos, such as whiteboard animations, 3D animations, or just recording voiceovers over stock video footage. These videos are easy to make and have been shown to be more engaging and highly converting for any business.

Click the link below to find out how our friend Matt Parr makes more than $100,000/month on YouTube without making videos:

And if you’re interested in this sort of content, and plan on creating it, you might want to check out these software systems :

Explaindio” : Whiteboard animation/sketch drawing/explainer video maker.

Doodle Maker”: AI enhanced white/black/glass board animation video making software.

Avatar Builder”: Next generation 3D animation video maker with multilingual humanlike voiceovers.

Voice Buddy”: Text to speech software.

Quality & Quantity

In order to grow exponentially on YouTube, both the quantity and quality of your videos will play huge roles. You want to post as much as you can and as often as you can, without rendering or affecting your video quality.

So set up posting schedule (at least 1 high quality video a week), and stick to it.

The more consistent your upload frequency + video quality is, the more the YouTube algorithm will become your “friend”.

Creating a successful YouTube channel and engaged community of subscribers may seem like a lot of work, but the reward is worth it

Video content can help you become a trusted authority in your industry, as well as a personable source of entertainment.

You don’t have to be a filmmaker or a professional editor to be successful on YouTube. All you need is to figure out how you can offer your audience something of value. This way, they’ll appreciate your effort, engage with your content, and come back to visit your page again and again.



Digitally Enhanced

Digitally Enhanced is the #1 page for modern day entrepreneurs. We go over everything needed in this day & age to grow and scale your business.